Tuesday, November 24, 2009


When I was a teenager, trying to figure out not just my attraction to men, but also my attraction to men who have gained weight, I came across The Oinquirer. The site has since been taken down. However, back in the day it was a site devoted to recording the weight gain of celebrities. From there I discovered Big Guts, and from there Beefyfrat.

Anyone with this sort of interest in fat men can remember the feeling that they had when they came acorss such sites and felt incredible relief in knowing that they were not alone in their non-traditional interest. Furthermore, as I came out as being gay to the world, I immediately felt a need to pursue these desires as well. Sexuality is a complex thing, but this thirst for fat was somehow mixed into my head with it.

So let me explain the premise of this blog: to appreciate the bodies of men, real men... not gym-produced, starved men that society alleges is our ideal. I hope to also pursue what makes the mind of fat guys and gainers tick, so as to uncover a bit of my own mind.

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